

In the past 5 years we have asked or discussed over 400 US citizens -- who claimed they knew the Lincoln Douglas debate very well.

1) Yet not one of them -- including history teachers -- could tell us why Douglas got crowds to cheer 'We can be the admiration and terror of the world' if "Mr Lincoln"  would get out of the way

Douglas said this to get crowds to cheer, by the way.

2) Of course necessarily no could tell us how Lincoln responded to that.

3) Nor could any tell us how  Lincoln was "in the way" 

4) Yet the crowds  knew-- the public knew this.     

It's basic -- basic for US history. 

   The public  at the time was exceedingly aware of over 2000 thousand  paid men, (men paid by Jeff Davis) and sent to Kansas starting in in 1854


You might have heard the rather stupid term "Bleeding Kansas."   Stupid because Kansas did not bleed -- humans did.

That term "Bleeding Kansas" has made generations dumber -- including teachers.

Our text books idiotically use the term "Pro slaver forces vs Anti slavery forces."   As if Kansas citizens were "split."

Nonsense 95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery (more about that below).



Of the very few (less than a dozen) slave owners lived in Kansas, none of those were part of Jeff Davis's paid men -- two groups of paid men.

Davis needed the paid men -- to quickly terrorize (later kill) to spread slavery, take over the voting places, and quickly make Kansas -- forever -- a slave state

Stephen A Douglas personally inserted into Kansas Act - at the last minute -- the words that required the first vote ever taken about slavery  -- would be perpetual.  

Davis of course knew that --and planned accordingly. He and Douglas concocted this.

  A quick surprise invasion, using paid men,  and not only would Kansas be a very large slave state --but almost certainly everything West of Kansas would like wise be slave territory or states.

There are letters from US Senator Atchison about the invasions and murders,  on that exact point.

The important point --by almost 3000 paid men (paid by Jeff Davis, see below) to invade terrorize and kill,  the Anti slavery folks would not have time organize to fight back.



Lincoln, of course, spotted this instantly -- and exposed Douglas for doing  diabolical fraud.   It was common knowledge to anyone paying attention

You would know that as basic  if:

 You read the debates carefully, or

 if your teacher or text book was smart enough to explain it.  Nothing was more basic.

It's important to know --95% of Kansas Citizens were against --  remember against-- slavery,  

Jeff Davis sent paid because because of the few slave owners in Kansas,  they only had two slaves, and were not eager or even willing to kill their neighbors in an indigotic war to spread slavery.

So why did Davis sent two more groups of paid killers?

Easy -- Davis pumped up stupid chits for years that God ordained slavery -- and that slavery were "the most contented laborers on earth"   

Davis insisted it was a DUTY -- a duty to God to enslave blacks.  Slavery was "A DIVINE BLESSING"



Kansas men  voted 95% against slavery when Kansas men were able to stop Davis's paid killers enough to hold an election.

By 1857 Davis could no longer send paid killers --Pierce was not  President, Buchanan was.  And Buchanan hated Davis while Pierce was Davis's punk.

So Davis was no longer Secretary of War.

Davis would not have needed any paid killers , if Kansas Citizens were not so fervently against slavery.

Davis never tried so sell slavery -- he was killing to spread slavery.  Slave chit heads claimed a duty to God,  they did not sell, they invaded.  



First Atchison and Douglas, both working for Jeff Davis,  had to "open the door" to justify the paid killers..... 

That first step, of course was the Kansas Act.  (The second step was Dred Scott decision).

1854 was just the first group Davis sent, about 800 men.  US Senator Davis Rice Atchison hurried to Kansas 

When the 1854 group of paid men did not get the job done, Davis and Atchison spent much of 1855 to hire Texas men to invade Kansas- - a much larger group.

That much larger group arrived May of 1856.

Atchison would give these men a pep talk-- about killing to spread salvery, and about being "well paid"

Yet Douglas -- already -- was helping his then ally,  Jeff Davis,  to do exactly that -- to be

Why?  Ego.  They both craved to be the "admiration"  and "terror" of the world.


 How would Douglas and Jeff Davis make America "the admiration and power of he world."


By spreading slavery to the Pacific and into much of Latin America-  a vast slave empire- - with GOD and Jeff Davis in control.

Not to keep slavery -- Lincoln was not stupid enough to threaten South chit heads to take away their slaves.

Lincoln offered the chit heads any deal they wanted -- just no more SPREAD of slavery.

Davis - the lunatic chit head Trump insane bastard of that time - craved endless slavery-- for GOD -- slavery to all of the US 

and most of Latin America.


Douglas would later split from lunatic Davis,  and even say Davis should be hung.   Davis also wanted Douglas hung.

Three weeks before he died   Douglas would claim to  his friends  he was just pretending to support Davis.

This is just one of three  things many or our "scholars" often don' mention about the Lincoln Douglas debates--- I happened to read books and speeches at the time.   

Nor do any scholars I know of even bother to mention why LIncoln was eager -- desperate - to debated Douglas.

Here is a clue -- Douglas was on a national tour FOR JEFF DAVIS.

Douglas speaking tour at the time made him national spokesman for Dred Scott decision.

Known for frequent speaking -- Doulgas adored cheering crowds like Trump does - this speaking tour as the most frenetic 

Lincoln even followed Douglas around trying to speak after Douglas spoke.

Douglas simply kept speaking until well after dark, and the crowds dispersed.

Meanwhile -- Lincoln was correctly speaking when he could -- about  how Dred Scott decision,  as designed by Jeff Davis and Roger Taney -- would unless stopped spread slavery to all of the US.

Lincoln also  wanted to expose Douglas as the national spokesmen for Dred Scott decision, specifically for Jeff Davis,  face to face.
Douglas was the national spokesman.   

There is no other speaker of that time who went on a speaking tour to brag about the Dred Scott decision -- but Douglas, the most famous speaker of the era --went on his own tour, to BRAG about Dred Scott deicion.

If Lincoln would obey and support Dred Scott decision --Douglas said - American can be "The Admiration  and Terror of the World 


If you don't know that - blame your teachers.

Nothing -- nothing -- nothing was more important.

So important that if you don't know that you can't figure out what the debates was about.   It was essentially all about chit head Jeff Davis,  and Stephen A Douglas helping him,  to sell Dred Scott as the magic cure for slavery

Dred Scott decision ordered - directed-- that blacks are not humans beings!   Read it!

By order of the Supremem Court,  blacks are not human beings, and must not be seen as human.

Furthermore - in the same paragraph -the court orderd that the fed government must HELP the spread -- the spead -- of slavery.

The spread of slavery even by violence, and even against the will of the voters.  (95% of Kansas citizens were against slavery)

By order of the supreme Court-- Presidents must help the spread of slavery,  regard less of states rights .


Douglas wanted none of that - because Lincoln was right.   But eventually Lincoln shamed Douglas into debate.


1) Why Lincoln followed Douglas around the country to get the debates, and why Douglas ran from debates.

2) What did the debates have to do with Jeff Davis sending two groups of paid men to invaded starting 1854

3) Why Jeff Davis needed paid killers .

4) Why at this time was Douglas actively helping Jeff Davis to send the paid killers, and to justify the paid killers. 

This was, of course, from the famous Lincoln Douglas debates.   And it was proudly important -- important to Jeff Davis and, at this time,  Davis's partner Stephen A Douglas.

HOW would "we" (the united States) be the admiration and terror of the world?   

Douglas accused Lincoln of PREVENTING the US from becoming "the admiration and Terror of the World"   by stopping the SPREAD of slavery to the Pacific."

.   Davis -- since 1847-- was essentially insane, obsessed, to not only spread slaver -- but Davis was at the center of all violence to spread slavery. 

When Lincoln - as he did over and over -exposed in great detail,  and at great length -- exposed 

So of course no US text book explains that if Lincoln will get out of the way --slavery can spread not just to the Pacific,  but to much of Latin America.

The only way to spread slavery into Kansas  or spread slavery to the Pacific, and to spead slavery to much of Latin America was by using paid killers.

Even in college text books this
Admiration amd theme (it was a basic attack on Lincoln,  right behind "Mr. Lincoln wants your daughters to sleep with ______"

Crowd yelled at Lincoln before Lincoln could speak "Down with Niggers."

Maybe a worse mistake   - we do not candidly teach this;



Ironically -- South leaders themselves  UNTIL THEY LOST-- are the best historians.   

 To cheering crowds,  to future generations,  in their own speeches, in their own publications,  in their own newspapers and books --at the time taught it best.

Robert E Lee groupie Shelby Foote (via Ken Burns) ?

  Eric Foner and his team of students  via  Columbia College?   

 Crazy man Douglas Freeman of   Lynchburg?__________________

The busy  Doris Kearn Goodwin of   Harvard ?  

 "Creative" Kenneth Stampp UCLA? 

Spoiler alert: Kenny claimed a wooden box caused the civil war.

The Goofy Thomas Twins of Mississippi ?

Goofy Twin Hidden Motto? Of course Jeff Davis was right! We had a duty to God to violently spread slavery!

Smiley  James McPherson of   Princeton?  

Jim's motto-- be nice to stupid shits who idolize men who tortured and killed to spread slavery for God...they  pay me and buy my books!


Our text books do not even mention, much less teach as basic that South leaders,  Jeff Davis was a Trump level lunatic on this point -- not only enslaved tortured for God,   but they were at war  ----specifically at war--to SPREAD slavery for God.

 South lunatic leaders taught slavery and Civil War best -- until they lost.

South leaders  bragged 

bragged to cheering crowds

bragged to future generations

bragged officially,  loudly proudly and in great detail.. -- until they lost.

They not only  enslaved and tortured for God --- they were at war to SPREAD -- specifically to spread slavery for GOD

   Lunatic  Jeff Davis  

Jeff Davis was a lunatic -- if you define a lunatic as someone who is obsessed to spread slavery for God.  Specifically to violently spread slavery.

You would already know that Davis was a lunatic if you were taught about Kansas,  the invasions tortures and killings in Kansas arranged and orchestrated by Jeff Davis.

 Idiotically,  we act as if Kansas had a "civil war" about slaveyr,  where many citizens were pro slavery.  

Typical terms  the teachers uses (idiotically) are "Pros slavery vs Anti slavery forces."

Not one word about any group of paid  killers, much no mention about the three groups of paid men Davis sent to invade Kansas to spread slavery -- for God!

These are the facts our schools should teach.

✔️ The whole fucking reason anyone was killing anyone in Kansas was that Jeff Davis -- personally --concocted Kansas Act as a way to spread slavery into Kansas.

✔️95 % of Kansas citizens were against slavery.

Those invading and killing in Kansas were hired men--- see the words hired men?  Hired-- paid.   Then were NOT KANSAS CITIZENS.  

Hired by a slave owners and s shite head lunatic named Jeff Davis.


Davis had to hire shit heads (Mostly from Texas)  because 95% of Kansas Citizens did not want slavery.

If you do not know that,  you will be forever stupid about slavery and US Civil War.


Davis personally went to Mexico with his father in law in 1847.  Went specifically to kill enough Mexicans that US would double the lands Davis and other Lunatics could use for slavery.

Which is exactly what Lunatic Davis did next to Kansas. Not sorta, not kinda, not "in a way."   He claimed, insanely,  a duty to spread slavery for GOD.

Davis, the lunatic Trump of his time. 

If claiming a duty to God and the bible was not crazy enough--- Lunatic Davis claimed repeatedly that the Dred Scott decision required -- see the word required?-- required the violent spread of slavery. 

Constitutionally REQUIRED 

According to Davis, he not only had a religious duty, a biblical duty, to  violently spread slavery -- --- the Constitution required it.  See the word "required" or not?

 Davis and Roger Taney, of course (as Lincoln exposed) concocted Dred Scott decision precisely  so that Davis could claim constitutional protection   to violently spread slavery. 


Read the fucking decision --and understand how Davis used the Dred decision not only to justify future invasions and killing to spread slavery,  but somehow that validated all past killing and invasions to spread slavery, as us the killings in Kansas,  by Jeff Davis's paid killers.

So it's important to know that most of the killings and torture in Kansas happened before -- before -- Dred Scott.  Davis wanted to cover those murders too,  by the Dred Scott decision.

How the fuck any history teacher or text book does not bother to make that plan and in a candid way -- should shame every teacher and text book publishers. 

 To understand anything about US  Civil War and the insane wars to spread slavery -- starting in 184-- we need to know what the fuck Jeff Davis did.

 More specifically,  Jeff Davis's ability and eagerness to get attention by pumping up insane lies and hate. 

That is what these lunatics actually crave -- attention. 

 Much like Lunatic egomaniac Trump today, craves attention.   Both men got attention from stupid shits and fools. 

 Necessarily both were- are  shit head pathological liars, both egomaniacs. Both willing if not eager for the death of everyone in their way.

Not to keep slavery --to spread slavery for God ("the revealed will of God" as the lying bastards  told crowds of stupid shits --  even  by violence.  

The stupid shits cheered. Must like stupid shits cheer the hate and lies now.

Second -  Jeff Davis used (as he planned) the Dred Scott decision. Specific words in the Dred decision which he and crazy shit Roger Taney concocted --- required,  see the word required -- that blacks are not human beings, and that the federal government (Davis was the fed government when Dred Scott was made public) must protect the spread of slavery.   


             WHERE DID YOU 



None of us today were alive at time of US Civil war.    No one alive today knows anyone alive then.     
Even if we had lunch  with  Jefferson Davis the day in May 1856,  when most of his  2000 Texas paid men had arrived in Kansas  (arrived to invade, torture and kill to spread slavery) we still would not know enough

If, a year later, at a slave auction on  April 6 of 1857, two miles from Lee's slave farm,  we watched a mother scream and beg as Robert E Lee sold her daughter ---as punishment --(which slave owner Lee did)we -- we would still not know enough. 

But  we sure as fuck would know more than your high school or college history teacher or text book  told you.

 My point is -- South leaders explained it  best -- until they lost.    


There is much, much more you need to know.   Why not let South scum crazy ass leaders explain it ---as they explained it then,  at the time

-- until they lost.

Ironically, seems no one taught history of slavery--and the US  Civil War--  as fully  as candidly, as honestly, as proudly,  as clearly as South leaders  themselves.
 South shit head leaders--liars and slave owners all

Were not coy, then.   

They were not vague,  then.

They did not  mumble,  then.

They fucking bragged about it in detail,  in context, officially,  to cheering crowds and even to future generations,   until they lost.


In their own publications -- they bragged.  In their own speeches, they bragged.

In their own war ultimatums --- they bragged.  Officially and in context,  until they lost -- they bragged.


South leaders explained it best -- until  they lost.  

Lee, for example explained the torture ("painful discipline")  of slaves,  including small slaves,  was ordained by God.  

 Lee himself explained that -- in writing. 


Ironically thousands of fools, scholars and dip shits alike,  cite Lee's letter to his wife as proving he was against slavery--- yet in that very letter defends the torture of slaves, and claims slavery is a spiritual liberty.

Would it be too much to ask  for those fools and scholars to read the full letter?

   (His letter becomes exponentially more barbaric when you learn  from Lee's slave ledgers about his sadistic torture of small slaves.)

Jeff Davis and South leaders were not fucking around ---already,  already by 1847,   Jeff Davis was part of the invasions and killing sprees of Mexicans, until Mexico gave up half their land.

By 1854 Davis sent the first of three group to violently spread slavery -- never mind that 95%  of Kansas Citizens were against slavery.    The letter from Lee to his wife (mentioned above) was about these Davis men invading and killing Kansas citizens--- something fools never know.


We teach millions of student each year--repeatedly - - those invasions and killing sprees and murders of Mexicans,  done by shit heads like Jeff Davis,  to this day as "MANIFEST DESTINY"   was our justifications for those invasions. 

Not one word in US text books that South leaders themselves  said well in advance US wanted to kill Mexicans -- take half their land,   and used to enrich slave owners.   Student better know it was about "Manifest Destiny"  or they 

Yet fools, , then and now, sitting in a class room,  would nod their heads, when they hear "Manifest Destiny"   and think "sounds right to me."


Or as Ayn Rand later said,  Mexico was not doing anything good with that land anyway.  So lets invade and kill them --- then use that lands to spread slavery.   

  Naturally,  shit head Ayn Rand is a hero and supposed intellectual to fools.

Ayn Rand, like Jeff Davis,  are even now the heroes of fools,  and spoke of, taught,  as highly intelligent and principled "conservatives."   



HATED OR FEARED BLACK MEN--- and hated or feared Lincoln  




Nothing is more important that than  WHY so many in the North hated or feared Lincoln.  

You not only can't possibly understand the Lincoln debates without knowing Lincoln was hated and feared,  

even more important, you won't have a clue who pumped up that hate to get political power,. 

Point is South leaders bragged bragged out the ass for years, bragged officially and to cheering crowds d

they were already invading and killing to spread slavery for God starting 1854.

Already at war,  already killing,  

already doing the work of GOD -- 

 already using paid killers

already sent US troops to protect their paid men ,  


These were not a few loud mouth fools yapping in a bar.  

They were the likes of Jefferson Davis,  US Senator Atchison,   with massive help in the North, much the same way FOX SPEWS and hate radio helped  Jeff Davis and his like  1847 to 1860.

These men officially and at great length, repeatedly  to cheering crowds,  and to future generations,  where not coy,  they did not mumble. They were not vague 

By 1856  -- notice the year 1856
 --  Jeff Davis sent 2000 more paid men.    Davis had to sent more men to invade and kill for two reasons.  


1) The first group Davis sent, in 1854,  about 800 men,  did not and could not terrorize  kill enough Kansas citizens to force Kansas to be a slave state. 

2) 95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery.  Davis and Senator Atchison predicted a few act of terror  over a few "yankees"  would be enough.

Kansas whites did not want slavery -- or blacks to come into Kansas... there were only 2 slaves in the entire vast Kansas Territory (much larger than Kansas the state now)   

Surely the "cowardly yankees"  unarmed, unorganized  just entering Kansas, would not stand up to 800 organized men, many of them paid,  who were armed to the teeth, drunk,  using weapons from nearby federal armory. (thanks to Jeff Davis)


1856  PLAN B  

July 1856

 Jeff Davis not only sent paid men in 1854, he sent, as mention   much larger group of paid Texas men,  in July 1856. Even they were not enough.

So Davis famously sent US Army troops to protect his paid men.  Don't forget that. Davis sent two groups of paid men already, and then sent US troops to protect his paid men.   

Davis could send US troops  to protect his paid men -- because he was Secretary of War under President Pierce, who approved everything Davis wanted.

Those troops arrived Topeka,  Kansas,  in July of 1856,  about two months after the 2000 paid men arrived

 How the hell did anyone educated in US Schools pass high school history  not know that?   

 Shown here in Frank Leslies Illustrated newspaper.     Davis earlier group in 1854 did not have US troops to protect them.   This was "plan B" for Davis to stay far away from danger himself -- but send stupid shits to kill and die.

By the way, the crowd cheered when Senator Atchison told them they will be well paid. Link below.

Let's not pick on the Twins.

Not one of the above historians  mentioned it either.

  McPherson hinted -- alluded --other killings and torture-- an example is  Lee's cruelty and torture of slave girls. 

But only a hint.  McPherson never has and will never speak candidly about Lee's tortures,  or Jeff Davis paid killers, or South War Ultimatums.  He "hints" or alludes to them like a coward -- like a punk.   

Apparently Jim does not want to to piss off anyone in t he South, so he can sell more books, and be interviewed more.  To each his own,  right Jim?

Why should he be the only candid one?



For generations we taught millions of students Lee did not even have slaves --and was "adamantly" against slavery. 

Even college level history teachers taught this nonsense. Lee was not merely against slavery -- this college professor did one better -- Lee was adamantly against slavery.


The "proof" of Lee's fierce, brave and moral treatment of blackswas  letter Lee wrote to his wife.  That's  it.  Seems 99% of those who attempt to "prove" Lee was against slavery was that specific letter.  

 How much fucking trouble would have been if these "experts"  would read the full letter?   It was not that long.  678 words is our guess.  

The full letter was an amazing biblical justification for slavery -- and for the torture of slaves.

Slavery, Lee wrote -- in that letter! -- was a "spiritual liberty."   A spiritual liberty!

It is evil ---evil  to  -- even vote or speak  or try to end slavery by any other means that prayer .

Only  God--, that's the only being in the Universe -- who can end slavery .  God.   In another letter  Lee claimed those against slavery are "trying to destroy the American Church,"
HELPFUL BACK GROUND -- by the time Lee wrote this particular letter, slave states made it a crime -- a crime! to preach or speak publicly against slavery.      Preachers could be and were arrested,  tried, and publicly whipped for speaking against slavery.  Hence Lee was against speaking or preaching against slavery -- the only permissible objection to slavery was prayer.      

So you would not even need to know Lee had slave tortured for trying to escape,  or a dozen other vile sick things Lee personally did,  though such facts can give us some clue what a sadist Lee was.

Some are taught  that Lee's"servants "  loved him so much, they refused to leave when he said they could go. "

Utter nonsense.

   Never mind that Lee sent dogs and bounty hunters to capture escaped slaves. goofy thing. Whatever anyone wanted to claim,  and then naturally  fools would believe it.

 Shelby Foote repeated the lie (that Lee was anti slavery) within first three minutes of Ken Burn's documentary film.   At least 20 million US citizens have read Foote's nonsense or watched that documentary.


By today, no one for three at least generations saw anyone paid to invade torture and later kill Kansas citizens to spread slavery starting in 1854.

No one for four generations saw Lee buy girls and sell girls at the slave auction two miles from his slave farm. 

Yet Lee's slave ledgers recorded the prices and names of whoever he bought, or sold. Lee kept meticulous records.   

And his slave ledgers still exists.

Yet in 1856 US Senator Atchison had not only hired two groups of paid men to invade and kill Kansas Citizens-- and bragged to these men they will be well paid and brag they were ALREADY -- ALREADY at war to spread slavery "   South leaders not only hired men to invade torture and kill Kansas citizens  ---- South leaders bragged about, until they lost.

Today,  you would ask 500 high school history teachers who was David Rice Atchison before you found one who had a clue what he did, who he hired,  and what he bragged about in 1856 

Yet at the time,  arguably,  Atchison was the most important single person in the US.

Yet at the time, also,  almost everyone alive who was paying attention the the violent spread of slavery -- starting in 1846-- could tell you who Atchison was.   

Lincoln sure knew.   Jeff Davis and Atchison depended on Atchison to pass the  Kansas Act, then soon leave Washington to to meet the first  of two groups of paid killers.... men paid to invade, terrorize, and later kill to spread slavery to the Pacific.

Not all high school teachers are stupid -- of course.  


Atchison speech, by the way, was specifically about his invasion of May of 1856.  Atchison and Davis needed this second invasion because the first invasion Atchison and his men did not kill enough Kansas Citizens to force Kansas to be a slave state.

I stumbled on the name Senator  David Rice Atchison from a high school history teacher.   I never heard of him before.

 The teacher who "tweeted" to his students a reminder  to read Atchison 's famous 1856 speech

Here is the link the teacher included.  LINK  

Here is the link to the text version  of Atchison's speech 


South leaders justified killing to spread slavery by the bible. 

Or as Bow's  Review said  "God has silenced all opposition to slavery by HIs Holy Word)  The invasions and murders to spread slavery were  a duty -- a duty,  a duty to spread slavery.



Jeff Davis had the full approval of President Franklin Pierce.  Slave power had control of Congress, the White House,  and US military, with Davis the Secretary of War 

When Atchison told his paid men they would be well paid,  and that they had the blessing of the "present administration" he was exactly right.

And Atchison said they were already at war -- correctly.  They were at war "for the entire South"

They were at war -- invading and killing  killing -- against the citizens of Kansas.

Kansas citizens were famously against -- remember this -- famously against slavery,  and would vote against slavery by over 90% when the citizens pushed Davis's killers out.

  Lincoln jumped back into politics 1854 because the actions of these men to spread slavery  (Specifically Kansas Act)  

Every one who graduated from high school should know this. Lincoln explained this over,  and over,  and over. 

No one in three generations today  saw who bought and sold  human flesh --women and children at actions included -- then the buyers write down the names and prices of those women and children. 


Lee attended slave auctions not far from his slave farm.  

 By the way,  we know Lee  bought women and children from slave auctions, not far from h is slave farm because his slave ledgers still exist.


We even know the prices Lee paid  -- and received-- to own or sell those women and children. 

 We also know Lee bought other humans -- not from slave auctions,  but from bounty hunters who captured free blacks kidnapped illegally,  and turned those free blacks into his slave.   As Pryor carefully wrote "Technically,  Lee may have broken the law."    

We know many things now  from his slave ledgers,  hand written slave ledgers,  that no one else knew for 100 years.

Pryor also found instructions to bounty hunters,  -- and Lee's sexuall explicit letters to various women, on going letters,  to various women,  long after his marriage.  

Pyor also found rape was common at Lee's slave farm, but claimed there was "no evidence" Lee  joined in the rapes.



No one for three generations were in the White House when Alexanders Stephens arrived  carrying Jeff Davis's War Ultimatums to Lincoln. 

 Yet Stephens did arrive,  though LIncoln would not see Stephens or accept Davis's War Ultimatums,  Lincoln and Stephens exchanged letters where still exist. 

LIncoln already knew Jeff Davsis's insane specific War Ultimatums.  Davis for years was already sending paid killers to spread slavery to the Pacific,  and already Davis justified those killers in detail. 

No one in three generations now were at Lee's slave farm when he screamed at small slave woman.    Yet Lee routinely had -- paid to have - escaped slaves tortured.  Apparently Lee made sure he was present  to watch.  Lee paid -- according to his hand written slave ledgers,  specific amounts to use local jails to house and feed those captured slaves, until Lee could get back to his slave farm and there scream at slaves as they were being tortured.

 So we must depend on someone else. Historians, or text books publishers  --witness, slave ledgers,  something,   someone or some  system who investigated and gathered all information.


So... who  should we believe? Who studied verifiable sources, gathered the facts, and  in our generation,  or the previous three generations,  organized presented and taught the sources  to generations of students?

Who are the best teachers about slavery and the Civil War?

Look closer. 

 Look in Southern Newspapers from 1840s to 1860. In Southern speeches.

Look in their war ultimatums of 1856 and 1861. The War Ultimatum Jefferson Davis sent to Lincoln,  carried to the White House personally by the Vice President of the Confederacy - Alexander Stephens

Look in Jeff Davis's communication to the General he sent to protect Jeff Davis paid men, in1856

Look in Lee's slave ledgers.

Look in their publications.  South leaders – until they lost – explained it best.

    UNTIL.    THEY.   LOST,     


 South leaders were not coy. 

They did not mumble. They were not ashamed.  South leaders sent paid men to  invade, terrorize and later killed to spread slavery ---for GOD. 

God ordained -- -- ordered, required, white men enslave the black race.

Spread - spead- slavery as  religious duty.  These are the words of Jefferson Davis, according to his wife.  .

By 1848,  South leaders  made it a crime -- a crime punishable by publish torture -- to preach against the God of slavery. You did not need to preach FOR slavery ,  but it was a crime to preach against slavery  or against the "GOD OF SLAVERY"




Slavery was a "Divine blessing" claimed Jeff Davis. 

A blessing -- a gift -- to the black race and the white.  

Far from being oppressed or mistreated -- slaves were, according to Davis, "the most contented laborers on earth."

Slaves had "natural affection" for the master.  Others in the South claimed Satan "was the first 
 Bragged to cheering crowds. They bragged officially  -- and to future generations.

They bragged in writing,  they bragged it detail and in context.

Point is -- South leaders  explained it best - in the most detail, in context.  That is, until they lost, they explained it best.


Jeff Davis not only sent two groups of paid men to invade and kill  Kansas citizens,  Davis in 1856 sent US troops to protect his paid men. 

None of this was secret. 

Everyone inhaling and exhaling, who paid attention,  saw all this unfold day by day. 



We can learn a lot from McPherson and Foner -- of course but it it impossible to learn a few  basic facts from either.

 Instead of candor, historians for reasons largely  their own (alluded to later) they gingerly avoided being candid about the these above facts.

These basic facts they knew, of course. 

But they did not present them  candidly, nor show them as basic.    


Ironically it is impossible -- not just difficult --  to learn in a candid way the following seven  basics of the spread of slavery and Civil War.

As explained by Benjamin Franklin  half the truth is often a great lie. 
There is also a Chinese saying: to give part of the story is to give birth to a new lie

Those basic facts include, but are not taught by any of the above.   Nor can yo u find them in US text books, at least until college level  

✔️  That Jeff Davis created and used Dred Scott decision to justify murders and invasions to spread slavery

✔️ Jeff Davis's obsession to violently spread slavery  and justify that violence since US invasion of Mexico 

✔️Southern War Ultimatums 

✔️  South leaders  sent two groups of paid men to invade and kill Kansas citizens, the first in 1854,  then  much larger  group in 1856, using Kansas Act as pretext

✔️That Jeff Davis sent US troops to protect those paid men. 

✔️ That Davis knew 90% or more of Kansas citizens were against slavery  when he sent paid killer to murder them.

 ✔️Why did Jeff Davis need or want  paid men? No mention by any of the above historians.

✔️How did Jeff Davis justify those and other paid men he sent to terrorize and kill  Kansas Citizens?

Yet to know why Jeff Davis needed,  wanted, and sent paid men is perhaps the single most important fact to know -- and teach.

The second most important thing  to know --specifically how did Jeff Davis justify those paid men, and all they did?

Davis could not possibly have bee more clear, more empathic.  Not one of the historians above mentione any of that.

The point is --  South leaders explained it best -- 

Until they lost .


Smiling Jeff Davis and his wife on their wedding Day.      


At war for the "ENTIRE SOUTH "  By 1856



So why the fuck have most  of our most famous historians mentioned it  it in a candid way -- much less teach as basic.


1856-- the year Jeff Davis sent US troops to protect his paid killers. Davis sent an earlier group of paid men in 1854.

Those  paid 1854 men could not terrorize or kill enough Kansas Citizens -- Kansas citizens still resisted slavery. 

Davis had to give up spreading slavery for GOD -- or send more paid men.   

Davis not only sent  2000 men Davis in 1856,  he sent US Troops to protect his paid men

 1856 Jeff Davis  (Secretary of War) sent US troops to protect  his paid men. 1856

Here is how Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspapers revealed it.  

US text books avoid being specific, using  vague terms like "pro slavery"  or "anti slavery" forces.

It is therefore impossible (not just difficult) for students to learn from such sources that the "pro slavery forces"  were not only sent by Jeff Davis but 2000 of them were paid men, according to US Senator Atchison,  boasting about it. 

Even worse, if possible.

Even worse -- it is impossible (not just difficult) for students to learn from such sources that Davis sent US troops to protect his paid men.

✔️ No one alive -- if paying attention -- were neutral or unaware of Jeff Davis's  paid men he sent in 1856. 

✔️Davis already sent a smaller group in 1854 -- Davis sent the bigger group, paid men,  because his small group did not terrorize and kill enough.  

✔️No one alive -- if paying attention -- were  unaware Jeff Davis sent US troops to Kansas specifically to protect these paid men.

It's important to know -- there was no big plot, conspiracy  or desire to make students dumber about the basics.    Making students (or anyone else)clueless about actual events is the inevitable consequence, regardless of the intent of the text book publishers or teachers when part of the story is omitted.  


Do they matter? 

Should we know, teach or or care about Jeff Davis's paid men of 1854 and 1856 ?

It was basic to the men Davis hired to invade torture and kill, of course.  

By the time Lincoln and the US Army defeated Jeff Davis's paid killers and rebel troops,  Davis hired men murdered  over 3,000 men -- and dozens of women and children.  

Davis's  paid men were basic to Davis -it was his idea  he recruited them,  he sent them, he had them paid. 

He put it together.


It was basic to Lincoln -- Lincoln  quickly got back in politics precisely because South leader Jeff Davis  pushed the Kansas Act throught Congress. 


 Davis quickly sends the first group of men -- led by US Senator Atchison- men to invade Kansas, specifically to to terrorize and kill to spread slavery.  

That was the plan -- clearly -- because the 800 men were already waiting for Atchison to arrive. 

The plan was -- quick show of violence- kill a few if needed, so they claim  Kansas as slave state.    That did not work  - Kansas citizen fought back. 

Davis took almost two years do to "Plan B" plant B--  hire 2000 men to invade in 1856 -- and  Davis sent US troops to protect those paid men.  

Utter nonsense -- 95% of Kansas citizens were against slavery -- that's the entire reason Davis had to hire paid killers

Not to pick on Catton, because historians love to show they know all the details.  

Read 10 or 20 of such books and you may notice much of your time is spent being told superfluous BS. But as students -- we assume such details are important.   

It's sort of a pattern.


Another pattern -- do not use names. 

Directions do things -- the "South" did this and the "North" does that.

  Apparently people don't do much -- directions but boxes do thinks .   The Cotton gin was one of five causes the Civil War. 

Jeff Davis using 2000 paid killers to invade torture and kill Kansas Citizens to spread slavery for God -- did that cause anything?

NOPE.  That was not a factor.  That was so trivia we are never told anyone was paid, and no one sent the killers, or we would have been told.

So surely  no one with a name hired 2000 paid killers to invade torture and kill to spread slavery. It had to be a direction,  it had to a box.  

  If Someone did hire and send paid killers, 2000, it did not matter who when why and were.



Another rule  Catton followed,  and set the tone for others. Do not even hint, for example the name of the US Senator who used 800 paid men to invade terrorize and torture Kansas citizens. 

Do not hint that this man personally led his  men on the first of several invasions  -- all with the same goal -- to terrorize  torture and kill Kansas citizens in order to spread slavery to the Pacific.  

And he bragged about it to cheering crowds. Why mention such trivia!

But pour on the news about belt buckles and canteens.   


Catton made these rules by example, example that McPherson and others largely followed.  

CATTON RULE 2)  Do not mention this.

95% of Kansas citizens were against slavery.

Do not mention this. An overwhelming of Kansas Citizens were against slavery.  Don't hint, don't mention that.

Let generations stupidly assume Kansas citizens were killing Kansas citizens . 

No.  Davis hired paid killers -- paid men --to invade torture and kill.  But it's more important to know about the belt buckles.   

Yet nothing was more important than the paid killers -- --but do not make any of that clear.

Almost idiotically teachers repeat the distortion by those who passed Kansas Act --  Douglas and others claimed Kansas Act was about "states rights" and "Popular Sovereignty." 

Weeks after Jeff Davis (with Stephen A Douglas and US Senator Atchison) took  Kansas Act to President Pierce to be signed --  Atchison personally shows up in Kansas ithe 800 men (hired men) to invade terrorize and later kill Kansas Citizens who  tried to vote against slavery.

Catton did not mention that either -

✔️ that these were paid men 

✔️ not Kansas citizens

✔️  they were there as planned result of Kansas Act 

✔️ that this group of paid men were just the first group of paid killers

✔️ That Jeff Davis  as Secretary of War sent, funded,  and approved all groups 

NOt just vote -- Atchison's men attacked, terrorize and tortured -- later killed-- Kansas citizens who even published anti-slavery newspapers.

We do get some information -- vague BS about "pro slavery vs anti slavery " forces.  

If that were not enough, Atchison men forced Kansas Citizens to take a pro slvery oath  -- if they refused they were ordered to leave Kansas. 

If they did not leave -- they were killed.

Sound like "states rights" or "popular sovereignty to you?





 Franklin Pierce lost the election of 1856--largely because he allowed Jeff Davis to invade and kill Kansas Citizens,  and because  allowed Pierce  allowed Davis to use US soldiers to protect his paid killers. 

So without Davis's paid killers in Kansas ,  and without US troops to  protect Davis's paid killers,  Kansas Citizens can vote.

 Even after Kansas citizens voted overwhelming  against slaveryJeff Davis still demanded -as a war ultimatum no less-that slavery must spread into Kansas.  

Davis's insane logic?
You should know this -- Davis justification to violently spread slavery  was the Dred Scott decision.




CATTON RULE 3) Give readers no hint, much less report candidly,  that Jeff Davis  Stephen A Douglas and Senator David Rice Atchison  took Kansas Act for President Pierce to sign.

Nor give any hint that ater  President PIerce signed the Davis/Atchison/and Douglas Kansas Act --   Davis sent his first group of men to invade Kansas, to terrorize and later kill Kansas Citizens for speaking against slavery.  

Those men were already waiting near Kansas, for Senator Atchison  to lead them on the first invasions and killing sprees of Kansas Citizens.  That was the entire purpose of Kansas Act -- 


Give no hint, much less report candidly that Jeff Davis  1856 sent 2000 more paid men to kill Kansas Citizens, when his first group of men did not kill enough Kansas citizens.   1856

Give no hint that 95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery.

Kansas citizens confirmed they were overwhelmingly against   when  95% voted against slavery 

The point is 

✔️Kansas (white male) citizens in 1854  were overwhelmingly against slavery --  See if you can find any clear mention of that by McPHerson, Foner, Foote,  Ken Burns,  Kearns --- or in any widely use US Text book.

✔️ Jeff Davis Stephen A Douglas,  and Senator David Rice Atchison knew Kansas citizens overwhelmingly against slavery  -- that is why then sent men to terrorize -- later torture and kill-- to make Kansas  a slave state..

 It was Stephen A Douglas who famously said that in 1854, though Douglas used the term "19 of 20" 



Turns out Catton was mistaken about some of the canteen details, but he tried hard, right?   He set the scene -- we could almost smell the coffee he wrote about.

Admittedly the type of canteen is more important. 


Still if Bruce Catton  could have found place to mention numerous invasions, paid killers, US troops sent to protect the paid killers,  sent by Jeff Davis, and the thousands of murders that happened as a result....


Maybe McPherson might have thought such things were almost as important as the belts, canteens, and kinds of coffee, and find space somewhere for them.  Who knows? McPherson and others might have even mentioned such trivial details!

Was that Catton's fault?   


Bruce did not promise to harm them if they mentioned things candidly  like 2000 paid killers Davis sent to invade torture and kill by 1856.   

McPherson never mentioned those 2000 paid killers,  much less explain who sent them, who paid them,  and why anyone sent them.

Sure as hell was important to those killed -- those tortured and those who fled Kansas to remain alive.

Sure as hell was important to Lincoln who got back in politics the same weeks Jeff Davis's first group of paid killers arrived in Kansas 

Sure as hell was important to the millions of slave, including slave women whipped and tortured for trying to escape the madness of being raped, their children sold as punishment. 

Sure as hell was important to President Franklin Pierce, who backed Jeff Davis groups of paid killers, and backed Jeff Davis sending US troops to protect his paid killers.

Sure as hell was important to Roger Taney,   Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,  who swallowed Jeff Davis's insane claims that blacks are not human beings,  and inserted that claim and other claims into Dred Scott decision. 

But it was not quite important enough for McPherson -- nore hundreds of others,  nor millions of text books,  to actually teach candidly.  Look as you might - - McPherson avoided names of men who sent paid killers,  explanation of their justifications to spread slavery.  


Call me crazy,  call me stupid, call me a fool -- there are the men I now trust more: men who where there. 

Not only there-- but these men were in control. 

South leaders -- with names you know.  Jefferson Davis, Alexanders Stephens,  Robert Tombs,  US Senator David Rice Atchison.

Maybe most important -- Stephen A Douglas. (Douglas was a Davis and Slave Power ally at this time, as you will see and should already know) 

Without Douglas helping Jeff Davis create and sell  the two part  "Machinery to Spread Slavery" as Lincoln correctly called Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision,  it's possible that slavery ends peacefully, as Founding Father intended to happen.

Jeff Davis and his ilk made it a crime -- a crime punishable by public torture - to speak publically or preach publically against slavery.   Men were, as a result, arrested tried and tortured in public for such actions, and could be tortured in public for just owning the "wrong " book.

The fact our schools and historians fail to teach this basic fact has made more people dumber about slavery and Civil War than anything else,.

Of all the villains of this era -- Stephen A Douglas is the most vile.


If you know nothing and care nothing about this -- the main point here -- these shit heads bragged bout this -- until they lost.



being human beings

After they lost -- naturally -- South leaders and the suckers defending them later came up with all manner of bullshit and nonsense.  

Worse, some  of that nonsense made up by fools and pathological liars ended up in US Text books.  

 Perhaps worse that than, historians like Foner, McPherson, Catton,  do not bother to challenge the nonsense  directly.  



 Typical of that nonsense is Jeff Davis often repeated lie.   

The big lie is this one -- that he spent 12 years trying to avoid violence -- when the record shows, including his own boasting and his own justifications, his  controlling role  for in vasions and murders. 


Davis married  Zachary Taylor's daughter, Taylor put Davis under him,  always safe.  From that time on,  Davis displayed almost an obsession to spread slavery.

Stealing half of Mexico's land after US troops, by order of Davis's father in law -- via James Polk, was apparently the joy of his life.

 Davis was still eager to spread slavery in US--  to spread slavery to the Pacific,  and to created a slave empire -- that would include killing citizens of Latin American to make much of Latin America part of his empire of slavery

Spreading slavery was a "duty to God."  Slavery was a "Divine Blessing."

The only reason you don't know that - you are not taught candidly what Jeff Davis did -- who he had murdered, who he had killed, and why he had them killed.

Specifically,   Davis claimed slavery was Godly.   Even more -- Davis claimed a "Constitutional Requirement"  to spread slavery by the Dred Scott decision.


These knowledgeable men  explained why they sent thousands of killers to invade,  torture and kill to spread slavery.  

Or they justified the invasions and killings. 

These men explained - bragged in detail and at length -- who they would kill and why they killed them (meanings -- why their paid men killed them.)


Jeff Davis explained his justifications  for invading and killing to spread slavery...even against states rights.

  Nothing is more important at that time that  Jeff Davis, starting in 1854, sending two groups of paid men to violently spread slavery, other than his spoken and written justifications for those invasions and murders --  those are more important.

Yet none of the historians above thought it was important enough to mention  the term paid killers or paid men. None mentioned Jeff Davis as a person that sent anyone anywhere, Likewise the historians above did not mention, much less make clear,  Jeff Davis's justifications to hire and send them  to kill to spread slavery

Davis was exceedingly aware,  acutely aware,  that 90% or more of Kansas citizens were against slavery.  He explained his justifications (religious and constitutional) to invade and kill Kansas citizens.  

 US Senator Atchison could get his paid men kill US citizens. He famously -- by 1856 -- already led two groups of men to invade and kill Kansas citizens


 ✔️their own boasting

✔️their own proclamations 

✔️ their own books

✔️their own War Ultimatums 

✔️their own written communications

✔️their justifications for invasions of Kansas citizens 

✔️their justifications to send two groups of paid killers to invade Kansas, first 1854,  then 1856

✔️their justifications for torture of Kansas citizens  

✔️their justification to send US troops to protect their paid men.

By the way -- Lincoln spoke of all of this -- yet idiotically we fail to teach that Lincoln was not only right -- we fail to teach that South leaders bragged about it as loudly, as proudly,  and as clearly as anyone can brag about anything -- until they lost.



It is not a plot -- there is no plot to glorify men who tortured women, small women,  too, as Robert E Lee did.  

No plot to pretend Jefferson Davis did not hire thousands of paid men to invade and kill to spread slavery for God by 1856. 

No plot to hide the fact Davis sent US troops to Kansas to protect the paid killers he already sent for two years.

That is what folks were told.

They were told and taught Davis's own favorite lie -- that he labored day and night for 12 years to avoid war,  but the North was insane.


The point is -- South leaders explained it all, in detail, in context,  loudly proudly at length,  to cheering crowds (much like Lunatic Trump gets crowds of stupid shits to cheer.).


 South leaders themselves -- such  Jefferson Davis. 

US Senator David Atchison

Roger Taney

Alexander Stephens

Stonewall Jackson

Robert Toombs

Robert E Lee

Were these men stupid, frivolous,  joking, lying?  

Where they vague, coy,  or apologetic? 

No. Quite the opposite.



Q Was anyone or any group in North America already killing to spread slavery to the Pacific by 1847? 

A Yes,  thousands of men -- already - were killing Mexicans citizens.  WPresident Polk  and "slave power" folks would steal most of Mexican land,  -- land to use to spread slavery.

That was their plan -- they called it "Manifest Destiny"  a term taught to this day by stupid shit teachers and US text books.

Manifest Destiny means  "Due,  really believe us, in many ways God wanted us to invade and kill Mexicans so what we could be rich and famous,  and steal half millions quare acres to spread slavery ."


Polk's lie?  Mexican Army attacked US citizens .

Polk's speech?  American "honor" was at stake.   We must avenge our honor.

Stupid shits ate it up.   We fail to teach that Polk demanded killing Mexicans for our honor --that's such an obviously lie even high school teachers knoew better.

But we do teach the more insane idiotic and evil "Manifest Destiny. "


Reminds me of US troops killing 3 million Vietnamese after US newspapers claimed we were "in Vietnam," to "Save the World for Democracy." 

No mention of our our killing sprees inflicted on people who did nothing to threatened democracy -- but pissed off US because they  resisted our killing sprees

We actually killed 3 million innocent people -- any were women and children we murdered by burning them to death with napalm.

Do you see any pattern here -- a fool, a liar, an egomaniac gets in power,  

sends other fools to kill and be killed,

use some Orwellian double speak or outright lie to fool the stupid.

Soon teachers and text books join in the lies --- mostly because they are stupid.


When US Grant wrote, in his amazing Memoirs,  that the Civil War was payback for US   killing in Mexico,  he was referring to the invasions and murder Mexican citizens by US troops. 

Grant was part of those killing sprees.

Grant, however would never do what almost every US history teacher does --and almost every historian does, and what millions of students are required to know for tests:  claim US war against Mexico "Manifest Destiny."


PRO TIP   Before anything happens, like invasions, paid killers,  men cheering to kill others,  someone used words.

There is no exception to this rule.

Someone wanted to pump up the stupid and gullible to invade and kill - - and those "someones" never do any invading or killing.  They stay safe.  


Before anyone could send US troops to protect Jeff Davis and Atchison's  men, someone had to convince President Pierce to approve sending those men to Kansas.

That man was Jeff Davis himself. 

 Davis the entire time stayed in Washington as Secretary of Wa.  Davis could convince the foolish Pierce of apparently any lie, and get Pierce to approve any level of force to spread slavery.


Theses men, necessarily, could get crowds to cheer killing to spread slavery to the Pacific.  Those who could not get , or would not get, crowds to cheer the violent spread of slavery did, could not be political leaders.  
 Not just cheer -- but after cheering obey  -- obey  the hate monger who paid them.  Paid them specifically to invade, terrorize and eventually kill US citizens.

Much like Trump first  his stupid shits and fools to hate and fear -- South leaders necessarily first got the crowds to hat and fear.

 Our history text books,  at least until college  fail to candidly  tell us what these specific men did, despite the fact these men were, until they lost --  blunt, candid, and proud of what they did.   
Until they lost -- these South leaders bragge what they did - and bragged why they sent paid men and sent US Army troops, to do what those paid men and Army troops did. 

Men whose names you know (or you would not be reading this ) are the same men Lincoln named -- specifically named --as creating the vile and violent "machinery" to spread slavery (by violence) to all of the US "North South East and West."

 groups of paid killers to invade torture and kill to spread slavery -- long before Lincoln even ran for Senate.

Did these South leaders not know what they did and why?  

Were they stupid? Were they joking?

These-- who not only explained officially who they killed, and why they killed those men,   they bragged -- bragged about who they killed and why.

Turns out South leaders had a lot to say. Men like Jefferson Davis,  Alexander Stephens,  US Senator David Ric Atchison,  Robert Toombs,  Roger Taney  -- and the man who flipped flopped as needed for the moment Stephen A Douglas.

UNTIL THE LOST  South leaders at the time -- in their own speeches, in their own war ultimatums,  in their own publications and books,  taught and bragged of things you probably never heard of.

You sure as hell did not learn in any US text book (until college level) that Sought leaders were -- notice the word already -- concoted a war and invasions of Mexico.   

A war that was more like a three year killing spree.  

You will not find a single US text book, until college,  which explains  the insanity of using US killing sprees and murder of Mexicans as the justification for further murders and invasion of US land. 

 Jeff Davis personally crafted the insane justification to invade and kill US citizens  because Southern men "shed blood" while killing Mexicans.    That justification,  that insane justification, is taught to millions of students as a legitmate excuse to kill American citizens, as you will see,  to spread salvery not just to the Pacific Ocean, but to spread salvery to much of Latin American.

There was one -- only one -- man who started this insanity,  specifically the insanity of using one killing spree,  as justification to kill more.   His slogans,   Davis's slogans and words,  have been taught essentially as legitimate excuse that not only made killing probably 200,000 Mexicans in order to steal their land, but justify the invasion tortures and murder of American citizens.

   He name was Jefferson Davis.



Until they lost -- South leaders not only sent paid men to invade torture and kill to spread slavery -- by 1856--- but they bragged about it.  

During this time they did not mumble. 

 They were not coy.  According Jeff Davis's "General of Law And Order," David Rice Atchison"  the South was  already at war --at war to spread slavery to the Pacific,.   

Who was the South at war against ?

Look at who they invaded tortured and killed -- they were at war against the lawful citizens of Kansas.

 Officially at war, per Atchison,  and at war in fact,  meaning Atchison and Davis sent paid men to invade Kansas  and kill Kansas citizens. 

It's important to know  they bagged about and justified being at war -- before Lincoln even ran for Senate.
