
Just stuff to save for now



Atchison was college friend of Jefferson Davis.


Senator David Rice Atchison tried his best to pass Kansas Act through the Senate in 1853.  The person who  craved Kansas Act most -- Jefferson Davis -- was not in the Senate. 

  Instead Jefferson Davis was Secretary of War.  

Davis needed to be  Secretary of War for Kansas citizens to be forced to accept slavery.  Davis had a hard on from hell to make Kansas a slave state -- for GOD.  Davis claimed a duty the bible and to GOD to spread slavery not just to Kansas, but spread slavery to the Pacific andmost of Latin America.  So happens Davis fancied himself as the ruler of that "Slave Empore"

But it was not for his wealth and status -- no no no. Davis was thinking of those slaves. 

Slaves were the most contented laborer on earth. Slavery was "Divine gift" to the SLAVES!!    A blessing,  a gift from GOD.  That is what slavery was.

Slaves had "natural affection" for the master. It was a cruelty, an injustice not to enslave them

Davis later claimed the "GREAT MORAL TRUTH" of the Confederacy, was this: God created the white man to enslave the black race.   That was the GREAT MORAL TRUTH.   Davis would claim a biblical duty to enslave blacks.  

Dred Scott decision "changed everything"

Not only a duty to God, and a duty to the slaves,   Davis claimed spreading slavery was REQUIRED -- required-- by the US Constitution, because of Dred Scott decision 

That all might sound insane goofy and fucked up to you -- to anyone who    - but Davis had a biblical point. 

  The bible says you can torture you slave woman to death - for no apparent reason mind you-- as long as you don't kill her that day.  As long as she survives "a day or two"  the torture was ok,  because she (the slave) "was your money

Slave are not even human, said Jeff Davis.  They are property -- like dogs.  That is directed by Dred Scott decision. The bible, the Almighty word of Godf --supports the torture of slaves! And the 

When Davis could not

Try as he might - bribe as he did, David would not the famous legislation to give "the perfect right"  to Kansas citizenst -- their right to enslave torture rape and sell humans -- 

1) Both men would talk tough -  both ran like cowards, as you will see below.  

2) But both men could get crowds to cheer killing to spread slavery.  Each had their own style.

3) For two years,  Stephen A Douglas eagerly helped these two men.

4) Douglas would eventually want Jeff Davis hung.

50) Jeff Davis would want DOuglas hung first.



Sadly to this day --most history teacher seem to thind  David Rice Atchison  as "President for One Day."     And treat Atchison more like trivia question.

ATchison should be known as the US Senator who sent two separate groups of men to invade Kansas,  while bragging to cheering crowds his men were there to spread slavery to the Pacific.

They do not mention  either group of paid killers Atchson sent to Kansas first in 1854 - and when that did not work,  Atchison, 1n 1856 sent a much larger group of paid men to invade Kansas

For some stupid reason some dumb ass said there were "pro slavery" men and "anti-slavery" men ho "clashed"

When fools are so stupid they  make basic and huge errors -- the lies or mistake live on - forever. 


Senator Atchison needed paid men from day one.  As Atchison's partner in Kansas Act Stephen A DOuglas  explained -- 19 of 20 Kansas citizens were against slavery in the state.   Douglas at first hated Kansas Act, empatcially against Kansas Act.

But days later,  after meeting with Jeff Davis and Senator Atchison -- Douglas flipped.  He not only flipped to support Kansas Act - Douglas became the leading speaker for Kansas Act.

Douglas, of course, was known as the most powerful speaker of the time.  Horrace Greeley said he was the best speaker of the era .  Douglas could and did get bigger crowds than anyone else in the nation.  To get Douglas to your town was an event that would be talked about for generations.

Whatever Jeff Davis promised Douglas in those meetings -- we don't know.  But we DO know --that weeks before he died, Douglas claimed to his friend John Palmer that Douglas was just "setting up Davis"  to be "taken out sooner militarily"   

Douglas was lying of course.  Douglas flipped to Jeff Davis because Davis promised to help Douglas get into White House - if he supports Kansas Act.  But by the time Douglas was dying -- Douglas had fucked up the US. And he wanted to tell folks this lie to cover that up,.

You cant possibly know things like this in your history class.  Palmer not only made this clear in his autobiograpy -- Palmer's book was so famous it was printed in Newspapers -- for weeks,  in serial form.

Atchion alaw a United States Senator -- David Rice Atchison of Missouri-- gave his amazing speech to a group of cheering Texas men,  men just arrived in Kansas. 

 A copy of his  speech exists today in the Kansas Historical Society.  There is no substitute for reading his speech.  Skimming or getting a summary tends  it makes folks dumber.

Almost idiotically our history books never mention that these 2000 men were paid.  Yet, indeed they were -- or at least Atchison promised them pay.  Typical history books use the words "pro -slavery vs anti-slavery"  men

It was absurd -- and still is absurd  to claim or suggest Kansas Citizens were evenly split about slavery in Kansas.  As Stephen A Douglas told Atchison and Davis in his speech  that 19 of 20 Kansas citizens were against slavery.  

Yet Douglas claimed he wanted the Kansas Act as more of a gesture -- to set the precedent that the people themselves will decide to enslave blacks, buy and sell humans.  Let the people decide to enslave seemed like a jolly and fair way to decide slavery in Kansas.    That was "states rights" or "popular sovereighty"


As Lincoln pointed out - their claim of popular sovereignty  was  a
creeping lie" .  He was, of course,  correct,  because ATchison's first invasion of Kansas he made it a crime to publish an anti slavery newspaper.   Atchison men also made every citizens of Kansas they could to sign "proslavery pledge.    IF the refused to sign an "pro slavery pledge,  they were ordered to leave Kansas.  

If they returned to Kansas they would be shot-- and they were.   Another man refused to sign the pledge -- they tortured him.

 The men  then voted on shooting him -- by one vote, because of the Atchison men knew him,  they allowed him to live. 

 So  they tied him to a log, and set him into the river-- to live or drown as God would decide.  In a way he was lucky -- they had tortured others, and a group of such men nine years later invaded Lawrence Kansas, burned women and children to death.  They killed men with using guns and knives.  A picture of the survivors 50 years later is below.   The survivors fled the killers, and were able to hide in the trees and tall grass.  

Some could hear the screams of the women being burned to death.  These were all men of GOD

After the men burned women and children alive in their houses, and burned the city down -- the leader - Quantrill -- bragged this was the happiest day of his life.  A religious man, of course.

That is exactly how fucked up Atchison and his men were and how idiotic they were about God.   The world is always at war, fools idiots and shit heads killing endlessly -- claiming it's God will and they know the true God.

But humans must - must - make some excuse to do their evil.  So the   "God will decide" insanity to  just throw him into the river tied to a log made perfect since to Atchison and his men.

Religion makes evil idiots of fools, because it gives them excuses to kill enslave torture murder-- it was always that way, and always will be that way, apparently.

Befor it was over  3000 Kansas citizens were killed,  according to the first governor of Kansas -- Charles Robison. Robisnson was, by chance, on the first steam ship that brought Texas men to Kansas,   and was forced to get off the ship unless Robison agreed Kansas must be a slave state.

Rather than be killed-- Robison got off the steam ship.

but he used more polite terms.  He called their l

It's important to know - the Texas men were paid,  as Atchison bragged to them in the speech itself .  For most of 1855 Atchison and Jeff Davis recuited men from Texas and South Carolina. Atchison personally went to Kansas --while Jeff Davis stayed in Washington DC

Atchison had  his Texas men cheer when he told them "I will see Kansas in Hell before I let her become a free state." They were at war,  Atchison told them -- at war "for the entire South." 


At war to make Kansas a slave state - and to spread slavery "To the Pacific."   

At war specifically to make Kansas a slave state.

Atchison speech to his Texas men was drastically different to his speeches in 1854.   In 1854 Atchison told Congress and the President .

In 1954 Atchisson  Jeff Davis and US Senator Stephen a Douglas assured Pr

Already famous,  Senator Atchison, with Jeff Davis and US Senator Stephen A Douglas,  personally took the Kansas Act to President Pierce to sign.


 Davis, Douglas, and Atchison  convinced President Pierce that their Kansas Act is the  "the perfect liberty."  Kansas Citizens would have  this perfect liberty to "decide for themselves"  to enslave blacks in Kansas.

It is important to know - these Texas men were paid to come to Kansas for a reason -  as Atchison boasted in the speech that they will be "well paid."  Atchison  correctly explained the Texas men  are working for the "current administration"  meaning Jeff Davis as Secretary of War,  and President Peirce.

Atchison and Davis used a 
Jeff Davis and Senator Atchison used a different group of men in 1854 to invade and terrorize Kansas Citizens to force Kansas to be a slave state.

Atchison, Jeff Davis and Stephen A Douglas famously took the Kansas Act to 

Senator Atchison


STUPID SHITS CHEER HATE AND LIES THEN AND NOW WH We have looked for 14 years for one -- just ONE - text book in the US - or one history teac...